Thursday, February 26, 2009

hot wings

I ate too many.

Apparently this blog has readers who are not interested in my digestion.
I, for better or worse, now have hot wings on my mind. The ones I ate last night were kind of crappy. And I paid $8 for 12 wings! I should have my head examined.

There are lots of great things about Chicago...

in the summer. During the winter about the only thing we have going for us is the fact that you can eat 10 cent wings almost any night of week. So what was I doing getting crummy, expensive chicken wings at a pizza place last n...

Wow. Sorry. This is even more boring than Low Power FM radio.


Here in DC, everyone knows Jumbo slice. But what they might not know is that the Disco Jumbo Slice on U St., has Tandoori chicken wings with sour cream and cucumber dipping sauce. That is what is up.


1 comment:

Naoum said...

Perhaps I should reconsider who is allowed to contribute on this blog.