Sorry that the posting has been slim on my end...I guess you can say that I have actually been working the past week and have not let my newly found hobby get the best of me.
This morning I attended the ARRA Broadband Initiative Kick Off. To make this quick and painless, what I am talking about is a meeting between three agencies, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC), the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and the Rural Utilities Service (RUS). This meeting was held so that a bunch of suits can gather in a large hall (harumph harumph harumph) and hear the heads of each of these agencies talk about absolutely NOTHING. (Technically the real purpose was to kickoff the conversation on how the Federal Stimulus monies that were provided for nationwide broadband deployment are going to be doled out and allocated inorder to promote the quickest build out of the fastest and most economically efficient broadband technologies to the UNserved and UNDERserved areas of our country.)
The head of each organization basically spouted off the same rehearsed generic uninformative script...(we need to make this happen fast, blah blah blah, we need to hear comments from the public, blah blah blah...we as a country have fallen way behind in broadband...). They also targeted the plight of the "downtrodden yet tech savvy, willing to track the market, farmer in Arkansas" and the "the sick child, in a hospital shack somewhere in the Illinois wilderness whose parents will loose their farm if their doctors cannot create telemedicinal joint efficiencies with their Champaign counterparts"(This sounds very dirty)??? I am not making this up, these exact examples were brought up three times this morning and seem to be the poster children of the Rural/ Nationwide Broadband penetration discussion.
Ok...where was I? Ohh yah! The Meeting/Hearing. I do not understand the point of these hearings. Aside from reciting the same scripts, when asked what they intend to do on certain issues, the heads of the organizations, throw the ball back to the audience..."Well good question, but that is why we are hear, to get more comments from you and hear what you have to say." I think if these officially came out with an initial stance on questions like...What is the definition of unserved area/ underserved areas, and what should the floor be for minimum broadband speeds, this comment process would be much more effective.
They are looking for a Rural Broadband Strategy...or so they say. The FCC has a giant building full of economists and engineers. What are these guys getting paid for? I understand the Administrative law process, it is slow and tedious...and we do not want to rush something that is so important to the future development of our country, but if all these agencies expect to move fast on these issues, the same old politician's answers will not cut it. We need action and decisions.
Set a very high broadband speed as a floor. (Or at least impose a scalable approach.) Start off by reaching out to the unserved areas first. Set guidelines for a standardized methodical broadband mapping plan. And, latch on to other shovel ready utility projects that are already creating new infrastructures and make sure broadband wire is bundled in with these other projects.
So why should you care? Well because as a country we have dropped from first to around 20 in terms of nationwide broadband penetration and broadband speeds. This is embarrassing. AND for all you pseudo fascist finance types on Wall St, by kick starting nationwide broadband deployment we would be kick starting the economy at the same time, (oh yah and saving your jobs.) I kiiid I kiiid...kinda.
Peace Out...for Now.